
SONY A7c入門FF無反新機 SONY A7c 正式發表! 機身NTD$50980黑或銀同價 完整規格 FE 28-60mm f/4-5.6 閃光燈HVL-F28RM 台灣時間2020/9/15 9AM New concept is coming 迎接Sony Alpha全新概念(前稱SONY A5 索尼A6謠傳規格) SONY A5開發秘辛 謠指部訊息Mirrorless MILC無反單眼 微單眼 無反單眼 全片幅無反光鏡數位單眼相機[相機情報]


今年無疑是單反相機界熱鬧的一年,SONY 剛剛發表新機,之前 A7S III 傳聞已成真。不過,更多新機謠言仍在排隊。


SONY A7c 正式發表! (2020/9/15 9AM)



#19 A7c 最後大爆料 - 完整規格 & 新聞素材照 (2020/9/15 7:51AM)

#20 A7c 新聞稿內容 & A7c  網頁公開


為方便各位讀者檢索閱讀,本文將分成多個部份說明 (現在支援文章內跳躍,請點擊目錄小標直接切換段落/Part): 



#1 SONY A5 入門 FF 新機?

#2 SONY 入門 FF 新機規格補充

#3 SONY A5 或 A6 新機謠傳規格(2020/8/13)

#4  SONY 搶下全球數位相機市佔率第二

#5  SONY A5 的開發秘辛

#6 TNC 爆料 SONY A5 謠傳規格 (2020/8/26)

#7 追加 SAR 爆料: SONY A5 謠傳規格 (2020/8/26,比 TNC 的早一點)

#8 正名: 9月新機名稱確定為 SONY A7c (2020/8/30)

#9 SONY 現在的發展重點是視頻 & 智慧手機 + Alpha 的整合! (2020/8/31)

#10 SONY A7c 謠傳規格更新 (顏色、 錄影、新的餅乾鏡) (2020/9/5)

#11 SONY A7c 發表台灣時間 2020/9/15 9AM

#12 SONY 將發表 2 台 A7c 機身與一個閃燈(2020/9/9 9AM)

#13 A7c 機身單機價 & 餅乾鏡套餐價 & 第一張 A7c 間諜照(2020/9/10 11:40PM)

#14 最新間諜照 & 考古 - A7c 機身概念是來自於一個 2013 年的專利!(2020/9/11 4:00PM)

#15 SONY A7c 規格追加爆料 & 間諜照更新 (2020/9/11 11:30PM)

#16 外觀比一比 SONY A7c 與 Panasonic GX7 與 SONY A73,與 A6300 (2020/9/12 10:55AM)

#17 尺寸比一比 SONY A7c vs. A73 & A6600 vs. A7c (2020/9/13 10:50PM)

#18 最新間諜照更新 & Xperia 5II 發表! (2020/9/14 7:30PM)

#19 A7c 最後大爆料 - 完整規格 & 新聞素材照 (2020/9/15 7:51AM)

#20 A7c 新聞稿內容 & A7c  網頁公開

#21 A7c 的麻煩: 創意好但賣太貴了




#1 SONY A5 入門新機


根據謠傳,SONY 將會有一部 FF 新機,它被媒體暫稱為「SONY A5」,定位屬於入門全幅無反單眼。(也有一說,暫稱它為「SONY A6」,A5 & A6 都是非正式型號」


SAR 與 TNC 先後都有發布貼文討論,然而最後一則「SONY A5」新機訊息停留在 2020/6/25。


當時 SAR 得到的唯一可用傳聞,描述了該部 FF 相機是 "某種新東西"。它會是什麼機型,還不知道。爆料者是一位 SAR 的長期讀者,他從索尼經理那裡聽到了這個情報。


"大約一個月後,索尼將宣布 "SONY A5 - 新的入門級全幅相機,小尺寸,沒有 EVF"


當時是指 8 月,不過此刻並沒有進一步 A5 更新訊息,所以該時程以"不準確"收場居多。


根據 TNC,SONY A5 的傳聞早在 2013/10 就開跑了,當時他們看到的是一款採用全畫幅感測器的 NEX 機身。


從專利來看,索尼正在研發一款基於緊密小機身的全畫幅相機(不含EVF)。此舉為降低生產成本,目標客群鎖定中階 DSLR 或無反升級用戶。 


Canon 和 Nikon 都是從 2018 年開始進入無反市場,現在在 Canon EOS R6 & EOS R5 推出後,索尼勢必會在高端區面臨嚴格競爭,也可能會失去現有的消費者導向族群。


SONY A7 系列無反憑藉著搶眼核心規格和相對較低的價格,受到新用戶歡迎,A7III 賣得如火如荼!所以,索尼很有可能在近期推出平價的入門級機身,拓展新用戶,以贏得更多的市場佔有率。


據說 SONY A5 的售價會落在美金 $1000 以下,所以是衝著 EOS RP 而來。(現在此價格帶還多了 Nikon Z5)



以下是想像的 A5 外觀




順便看看 SONY 現行的 FF 陣容,最新成員為 7/28 發表的 A7S III。 






就算 SONY A5 八字沒一撇,A7 IV 也慢慢進入改版週期了,將是新機候選者之一。 




2020/8/1 00:48 更新


根據 SAR 轉發 Nokishita 的訊息,一台 SONY 新相機已在台灣 NCC 註冊。


它的型號 WW850128,包含電池 NP-FZ100,疑似 SONY A5。


該款 NP-FZ100 電池被用於多款 SONY 無反相機,包括 a9 II、a7R IV、a7 III、a7S III & a6600......。


TNC 也做了評論,從日本可靠消息 (Nokishita) 傳出的一組初步訊息來看,該機使用常見的 FF 無反相機電池,機身配備了單卡槽,此兩規格非常明確。要麼是索尼入門級全畫幅無反相機 A5,也可能是 a6600 相機後續產品或 a6700 或 a7000......。







#2 SONY 入門 FF 新機規格補充


SAR 剛剛爆料,SONY 將於 2020/9 月中旬推出最小、最便宜的全畫幅相機(但還不知道名稱是 A5 或 A6?)

站方極有信心表示,索粉在 9 月中旬會得到一台新的 SONY 全幅 E 接環相機。此機率高達 99.9999999%! 


SAR 不能喊出 100% 確定的唯一原因是,萬一 Covid-19 冠狀病毒疫情變得更糟,可能會再次擾亂時間表。


目前所知,這款相機將有特別的定位。它將是一個全新相機系列的首發產品!並且會構成 SONY 全新的全幅入門系列,這就是目前掌握的新相機確定訊息。


(底下是可能的 A5 相機外觀模擬渲染圖)




事實的部份(以下是根據 SONY TW 正式登記的資料):

(1)電池為 NP-FZ100。
(2)USB Type-C。
(3)單插槽,支援 SD 記憶卡。
(5)Wi-Fi (11a/b/g/n/ac)和藍牙。

可靠的傳言 (SAR 掌握的情報,來自可靠的消息來源)

(1)一個新的全幅 E 接環相機。
(3)全新編號(不屬於 A7 或 A9)。
(4)名字未確認,但可高度懷疑它會被命名為 A5 或 A6。
(5)9月中旬左右公布(希望不受到 Covid-19 影響)。



未證實 (SAR 從新的消息來源聽到的,尚不可靠)

(1)它不搭載 EVF。
(2)小巧緊密的機身尺碼,大約 A6xxx 那種。
(3)價格在 US$1000 元左右(這使它成為該系列中最便宜的 "新 "相機)。現在第一代 A7 和 A7II 的價格在 US$ 1000元以下,但它們剛公布時並沒有那麼便宜。


為什麼這款相機會熱銷?它將是 SONY FF 無反相機的終極之作,可以一直隨身攜帶。它也將吸引大量的新客戶,他們可能負擔不起 A7III。 










#3 SONY A5 或 A6 新機謠傳規格(2020/8/13)


TNC 與 SAR 先後報導了 SONY A5 或 A6 的最新謠傳規格


圖片是可能的 A5 相機假想效果圖。


TNC 方面得到的消息如下:


(1)2400 萬像素感測器。
(3)錄影 4K 24P,30P 8bit。
(4)液晶觸控螢幕,支援向上傾斜 180° 或向下傾斜 74°。
(6)USB 充電。
(7)藍牙和 Wi-Fi。
(8)單插槽,SD/SDHC/SDXC/Memory Stick Duo 混合型插槽。
(9)價格約 US$ 1400元 (僅限單機身)。


有點遺憾的是,日本最大規模遙指部 - 軒下情報局,尚未發表意見。




來自最新,未經證實的傳聞 (SAR 估計有 60% 之正確可能性):


(a)新機身設計類似於 A5xxx/A6xxx,金屬和塑膠之混合體。
(c)最高連拍速度可達 5 張/秒。
(d)IBIS 機身防手震。
(f)提供彈出式的 EVF 電子取景窗,77 萬像素 (約 230 萬點),0.6 放大倍率。
(g)類似 A7SIII 那樣的觸控螢幕。
(h)錄影支援 4K 24P 10bit 100mbps,4K 30P 10bit 100 mbps,它甚至有 50/60p 4K。遺憾的是,爆料者被告知這些只能工作於 S&Q 模式,沒有音頻且需要裁切。
(i)價格在 US$ 1000 元左右(這使它成為該系列中最便宜的 "新 "相機)。當然第一代 A7 和 A7II 的現在價格已落在 US$ 1000 元以下,但它們剛發表時的定價並沒有那麼便宜。



以下是 SAR 對 SONY A5 (或 A6) 之可靠傳聞彙整。

(1)9 月中旬索尼將公布一款全新入門級全幅相機 (可能命名為 A5 或 A6)。
(2)電池是 NP-FZ100。
(3)提供 USB Type-C。
(4)單記憶卡插槽,支援 SD。
(6)通訊能力方面,支援 Wi-Fi (11a/b/g/n/ac) & 藍牙。


本次爆料,TNC 比 SAR 多出了兩項規格,即 2400 萬像素感測器、液晶觸控螢幕可動角度。較大的差異,兩者價格資訊不一樣。






#4  SONY 搶下全球數位相機市佔率第二






來源是 Nikkei Asian Review (日本經濟新聞 ) 的一張 pie 圖。


2019 世界數位相機市佔率 5 巨頭:


Canon 45.4% (+2.4)
Sony 20.2% (+0.9)
Nikon 18.6% (-1.6)
Fujifilm Holdings 4.7% (-0.4)
Panasonic 4.7% (0.0)




原始來源是 テクノシステムリサーチ 市調報告。這是付費刊物,紙版一份 USD $5400。




PetaPixel & Digicame-info 都對日經消息做出了評論。


2019 年,世界前五大數位相機製造商都是日本企業,總市佔率為 93.7%總計 1483 萬台的銷量 (比前年 -22.4%)。


新的數字顯示,在 Canon 和 Nikon 發布全幅無反系統後的第一個完整年度,三大公司各自的表現。


其中,Canon 的變動最大,市佔率增加了 2.5%,整體達到 45.4%


同時,Sony 的市佔率提高了 0.9%,而 Nikon 的市佔率則衰退了1.6%。第二、三名的位置開始互換,Sony 終於贏過尼康的市佔率,搶下第二名。


Nikon 在 2018 年的市佔率為 -2.7%,2019 年是 -1.6%,顯示近兩年它的市佔率都在下降。


根據 Digicame Info 的分析,這是 Sony 首次超越 Nikon,拔下日經數據的第二。顯然現在 Sony 在無反相機市場有很好成績。


雖然 Nikon 的衰退令人不安,但實際上比去年的幅度小,他們進入無反相機領域似乎有助於減緩失血。


在 2018年,奧林巴斯 Olympus 排在第五位 (2.8% 的 market share),但在 2019 年,我們看到 Panasonic 與 Olympus 互換了位置! 


(註: Olympus 2020/6 月底宣布分割出售相機部門,未來將專注於醫療設備產業)


另外,2019 年數位相機整體銷量比前期下降為 -22.4%,2018 年比前期下降為 -22.2%,所以每年數位相機市場衰退 20% 左右的魔咒似乎沒有改變







#5  SONY A5 的開發秘辛


SAR 剛剛發表一則訊息,爆料了 SONY A5 的背後開發秘辛!




SAR 被一位日本人告知,關於 SONY A5(或 A6)的消息。




本月初,我在日本的一家 xxx 店和一位 xxx 聊天,當時聽說了 SONY A5 的事情。


那個人告訴我,雖然 A7 第一代和第二代 FF 全幅機身(直到 A7II)還在銷售,但這些年價格很明顯已經下降很多


索尼的困境是,賣這些 A7 機身並不賺錢,因為他們必須繼續使用 6 年前設計的相同零件。即使市場上有更便宜的同等替代品,該些舊型號生產成本並沒有辦法下降太多


他們的解決方案就是開發一款 A7II 級別的入門 FF 相機來替代之,此即 SONY A5 存在的理由!


現在 SAR 還未掌握到任何關於 A5 規格的細節,但既然技術早已經備妥,那麼在 A7IIIS 公布後應該不會讓粉絲等太久......。



據以上情報,SONY A5 等級將跟 A72 相仿。索尼策略是透過新設計導入新零件,有效降低生產成本並恢復合理利潤








#6 TNC 爆料 SONY A5 謠傳規格 (2020/8/26)


TNC 網站第一時間爆料,公布了即將上市的索尼入門級 A5 (或 A6,名字還沒有確定) 之核心規格!

站方也從其他傳聞中得到證實,SONY A5 無反相機將搭載 2400 萬像素傳感器。這款相機的主要規格如下:


(1)24MP 影像感測器
(2)IBIS  機身防手震。
(3)4K 24p,30p 8-bit
(4)觸控 LCD 螢幕,可便角度 (規格未知)
(6)USB 充電
(7)Wi-Fi 和藍牙。
(8)單插槽,支援 記憶卡: SD/SDHC/SDXC/Memory Stick Duo Hybrid
(9)價格在約 $1400 [機身]




現時 B&H 上的 A7 II  含鏡套餐賣 $998  




Adorama 上的 A7 II 含鏡套餐一樣賣 $998,機身賣 $898  





前面的情報 (#5  SONY A5 的開發秘辛) ,說 SONY A5 等級將跟 A72 相仿。A72 機身現在賣 $898,可是 A5 機身傳聞定價為 $1400  


綜合兩則訊息,這樣 SONY A5 是偏高的若沒有好料,要賣給誰呢?







#7 追加 SAR 爆料: SONY A5 謠傳規格 (2020/8/26,比 TNC 的早一點)


SAR 比 TNC 更早,於當地網站時間 8/24 發表一則爆料,講到了 A5 假想規格。因為兩者訊息有差異,所以追加在這裡。


一位值得信賴的消息人士證實,索尼新的入門級全畫幅相機計劃於 2020/9 月公布。


當被問及規格時,他是這樣說:「新的入門級 FF 電子接環相機,在機身尺寸上與 A6600 相仿功能上則與索尼 A7III 非常相似。」






則得注意的是,SAR 在 8/26 講到研發 A5 故事時 (詳情在前面這一篇: #5  SONY A5 的開發秘辛)


內文提到 SONY 開發一款 A7II 級別的入門 FF 相機來替代之,此即 SONY A5!


不過該文下方的謠傳規格表沒有被修改到 (此部份基本上跟 8/24 貼文一樣),仍是把 Sony A73 裝入 A6600 的概念!



TNC 貼文其實沒有講到 A5 像誰或它的尺寸。


目前兩則矛盾訊息都是 SAR 自己的貼文,光 A7II 與 A7III 不同就是個差很大的歧異! 也許是 SAR 偷懶沒更新到下面規格表,或站方比較希望它功能類似 A73。







#8 正名: 9月新機名稱確定為 SONY A7c (2020/8/30)


SAR & Cameota 報導,據兩位可靠消息人士證實,索尼即將公布一款超緊湊的 E 接環全幅無反相機,並將之命名為 "SONY A7c"。


名稱中的 "c " 顯然代表 "緊湊型" (compact) 的意思。


這款相機將成為新 "c "系列之首款和入門級相機。它將與目前的 A7 - A9 系列無反相機並存。(第三個消息來源也向 SAR 爆料此消息)


消息人士說: 「機身的預發布代碼從 CX 開始,鏡頭的代碼從 VX 開始。」




爆料者的意思,將會有新的相機系列 & 新的鏡頭系列!


SAR 猜測 "V " 型鏡頭將會非常輕便,以搭配這款小巧的 "SONY A7c" 相機。


索尼是以 vloggers 和旅行者為銷售對象,新開發一個超級緊湊的全幅無反系列。這款相機擁有一個彈出式 EVF,尺寸比 A7III 機身更小的,以及全新的小巧型鏡頭陣容。


索尼 A7c 規格 (基本上主要就是 copy 之前的 A5 (A6),加上小幅度修改。藍字部份為本次新增/更新)


(1)索尼將在 9 月中旬發布全新的 "索尼A7c" 入門級全畫幅小型相機。
(2)相似於索尼 A73 規格。(SAR 註解:猜想是指同樣的 2400 萬像素傳感器和同樣的 AF 性能)
(3)它擁有與 A7sIII 相同的可動屏幕。
(4)大約 A6600 的機身尺寸
(5)這款相機將面向 vloggers 和youtubers 進行銷售
(6)電池是 NP-FZ100。
(7)USB 是 Type-C。
(8)它有一個單一的 SD 卡插槽
(10)Wi-Fi (11a/b/g/n/ac)和藍牙。
(12)將公布新的鏡頭系列。小巧型鏡頭的代碼為 "V"







#9 SONY 現在的發展重點是視頻 & 智能手機 + Alpha 的整合! (2020/8/31)

SAR 的一篇最新貼文,報導了日本 Business Insider 訪問索尼電子代表董事兼 CEO 石塚茂樹 (Shigeki Ishizuka)(左),和索尼電子執行副總裁兼 COO 高木一郎 (Ichiro Takagi)。




(1)Covid-19 冠狀病毒確實影響了相機的銷售。但索尼預計 Q2 後銷量將迅速恢復。

(2)數位相機市場是一個艱困的市場,因為它持續萎縮。所以 "Alpha" 相機品牌將把產品焦點放在 video 上,以確保一定銷售規模。

(3)剛剛發布的 Imaging Edge 網路攝影機軟體之 Apple Mac 版本,將在 "2020年秋季 " 釋出

(4)SONY 還表示,他們的目標是如何將智慧手機和相機完全融合。索尼是世界上唯一一家擁有完整的 smartphone 和相機業務的公司。索尼計劃大幅增加對智慧手機業務的投資,以及針對相機和專業人員的解決方案,包括短期和長期的加強發展。

SAR 表示,以上概念與索尼即將發布的 "SONY A7c" 之目標設定完美結合。

A7c 相機是針對 YouTuber 網紅和旅行者的,相機輕便、小巧,有一個自拍螢幕,和新的簡單化 SONY A7sIII 選單。同時,他們家的 Xperia 新手機將使用所有的經典 Alpha 相機功能,包括 HFR 高幀率 (慢動作) 和眼睛自動對焦 (Eye AF)......。







#10 SONY A7c 謠傳規格更新 (顏色、 錄影、新的餅乾鏡) (2020/9/5)


SAR 新增兩則 SONY A7c 謠傳規格更新。




第一則是個小小的傳聞補充,SAR 被告知索尼 A7c 將有兩種顏色 - 銀色和黑色


一位消息人士爆料,其實銀色機型只有頂部的 1cm 是銀色。其餘都是黑色。




第 2 則也是來自 SAR,追加了進一步訊息。


SAR 是從一個可靠來源取得額外情報 。(藍字部份為本次新增規格)


爆料者說,它是最美的 E 接環相機! “Most beautiful E-mount camera yet”


(a)A7c 規格幾乎跟索尼 A7III 一樣 (2400 萬像素感測器)。
(b)自動對焦演算法來自 A7sIII。
(c)4k30p 錄影 (好可惜無 4k60p)。
(d)機身外形與 A6600 相似但稍大一些,EVF 被配置在邊緣。
(e)搭配餅乾鏡頭之套餐報價為 2300 歐元。(註:第一隻鏡頭將是小巧緊湊的餅乾鏡,適合旅行的變焦應用,類似於 28-60mm f/4.5-5.6 或 Nikon Nikkor 24-50)




先前的索尼 A7c 規格


(1)索尼將在 9 月中旬發布全新的 "索尼A7c" 入門級全畫幅小型相機。
(2)相似於索尼 A73 規格。(SAR 註解:猜想是指同樣的 2400 萬像素傳感器和同樣的 AF 性能)
(3)它擁有與 A7sIII 相同的可動屏幕。
(4)大約 A6600 的機身尺寸
(5)這款相機將面向 vloggers 和youtubers 進行銷售。
(6)電池是 NP-FZ100。
(7)USB 是 Type-C。
(8)它有一個單一的 SD 卡插槽
(10)Wi-Fi (11a/b/g/n/ac)和藍牙。
(12)將公布新的鏡頭系列。小巧型鏡頭的代碼為 "V"







#11 SONY A7c 發表台灣時間 2020/9/15 9AM


Sony TW 的 fb 今天刊登了一則貼文,預告一個在 2020/9/15 9AM 公開的線上發表會!


直播直航機: New concept is comming (時間未到,可設定提醒)


內容沒講什麼,只提到一個 Sony Alpha 全新概念即將到來。



SAR 也有貼文,指出主角就是 SONY A7c。




發表前索尼 A7c 之 15 點預測規格總整理

(1)索尼在 9 月中旬將發布全新的 "索尼A7c" 入門級全畫幅小型相機。(註: 9/15 9AM 台北時間)
(2)相似於索尼 A73 規格,具備 2400 萬像素感測器。
(3)它擁有與 A7sIII 相同的可動螢幕。
(4)自動對焦演算法來自 A7sIII。
(6)機身外形與 A6600 相似但稍大一些,EVF 被配置在邊緣。
(7)這款相機將面向 vloggers 和youtubers 進行銷售。




(8)電池是 NP-FZ100。
(9)USB 是 Type-C。
(10)它有一個單一的 SD 卡插槽
(12)Wi-Fi (11a/b/g/n/ac)和藍牙。
(13)價格將高於A7III(2100 歐元)。
(14)將公布新的鏡頭系列。小巧型鏡頭的代碼為 "V"
(15)第一隻鏡頭將是小巧緊湊的旅行的變焦鏡頭,類似於 28-60mm f/4.5-5.6 或 Nikon Nikkor 24-50。


(註: 以下圖表是網友自行合成的示意圖,非 A7c 真實圖片)








#12 SONY 將發表 2台 A7c 機身與一個閃燈(2020/9/9 9AM)

根據 Nokishita,法國零售商已註冊 "α7系列機身1" 和 "α7系列機身2" 以及 HVL-F28RM 閃光燈......。


A7c 會有 2 個機身?



其實稍早之前就有傳言曾說,SONY A7c 會有黑、銀兩種版本


(註:銀色機型只有頂部的 1cm 是銀色。其餘都是黑色。文內連結在此: #10 SONY A7c 謠傳規格更新 (顏色、 錄影、新的餅乾鏡) (2020/9/5))


昨天團友王先生分享一則源自 SONY HK 的消息,裡面無意中漏餡了,提及 9/15 將有 2 台全幅機的事




經過查證,SONY HK 隨後修正了這條貼文




SONY 預定在下周開放新產品預約,目前在法國零售商登記的有:


"α7系列機身1" ( α7 series body 1)

"α7系列機身2" ( α7 series body 2)

"α7系列套裝1"  (α7 series body kit 1)

"α7系列套裝2" (α7 series body kit 2)

"E 接環鏡頭" (E mount lens)

"相機用閃光燈 " (flash for camera)


以上共計 6 種產品。機身1 和 機身2 可能是顏色變化。閃光燈為 HVL-F28RM。




法國零售商提到了 "A7機身1 "和 "A7機身2"。


有些人認為,這可能表明索尼香港公司說會有兩款新相機的說法是準確的。(SAR 表示: 那條貼文很可能只是個錯誤,雖然我們很想在某個時候看到 SONY A7IV)


也有人認為,這只是同一款相機 SONY A7c 的黑色和銀色機身。




SONY A7c 出現黑色機身和銀色機身的可能性相當高。因為之前就曾有過雙色情報,這也吻合兩台機身的說法。

天外飛來 A7IV 的可能性極低,依現在的謠言行銷模式,不可能無相關線索就直接發表新機。




發表前索尼 A7c 之 16 點預測規格總整理 (增加一點)


(1)索尼在 9 月中旬將發布全新的 "索尼A7c" 入門級全畫幅小型相機。(註: 9/15 9AM 台北時間)
(2)相似於索尼 A73 規格,具備 2400 萬像素感測器。
(3)它擁有與 A7sIII 相同的可動螢幕。
(4)自動對焦演算法來自 A7sIII。
(5)4K30P 錄影
(6)機身外形與 A6600 相似但稍大一些,EVF 被配置在邊緣。
(7)具備 IBIS
(8)這款相機將面向 vloggers 和youtubers 進行銷售。
(9)電池是 NP-FZ100。
(10)USB 是 Type-C。
(11)它有一個單一的 SD 卡插槽
(13)Wi-Fi (11a/b/g/n/ac)和藍牙。
(14)價格將高於 A7III(2100 歐元)。
(15)將公布新的鏡頭系列。小巧型鏡頭的代碼為 "V"
(16)第一隻鏡頭將是小巧緊湊的旅行的變焦鏡頭,類似於 28-60mm f/4.5-5.6 或 Nikon Nikkor 24-50。








#13 A7c 機身單機價 & 餅乾鏡套餐價 & 第一張 A7c 間諜照(2020/9/10 11:40PM)


SAR 確定以下 A7c 歐元售價情報:


(1)SONY A7c 機身: 2099 歐元。 

(2)SONY A7c 搭配全新的餅乾變焦套裝鏡頭: 2399 歐元。 


基本上,買家只需要多花 300 歐元或美元,就能得到一個更小的機身和一些新功能的 A7III。


與 A7III 有什麼不同?新的選單系統,改進的自動對焦系統,完全可動螢幕等等。


不過,SAR 雖然喜歡擁有某種 "小巧型 A73 "的想法,但價格應該再低一點。





SONY A7c 主打"漂亮小巧型 A7III"的概念但這樣的價格索粉們會買單嗎?




SAR 發布了第一張 A7c 間諜照,  黑銀雙色版 A7C 搭配新鏡頭 FE 28-60mm f/4-5.6




發表前索尼 A7c 之 16 點預測規格總整理 


(1)索尼在 9 月中旬將發布全新的 "索尼A7c" 入門級全畫幅小型相機。(註: 9/15 9AM 台北時間)
(2)相似於索尼 A73 規格,具備 2400 萬像素感測器。
(3)它擁有與 A7sIII 相同的可動螢幕。
(4)自動對焦演算法來自 A7sIII。
(5)4K30P 錄影
(6)機身外形與 A6600 相似但稍大一些,EVF 被配置在邊緣。
(7)具備 IBIS
(8)這款相機將面向 vloggers 和youtubers 進行銷售。
(9)電池是 NP-FZ100。
(10)USB 是 Type-C。
(11)它有一個單一的 SD 卡插槽
(13)Wi-Fi (11a/b/g/n/ac)和藍牙。
(14)價格將高於 A7III(2100 歐元)。
(15)將公布新的鏡頭系列。小巧型鏡頭的代碼為 "V"。
(16)第一隻鏡頭將是小巧緊湊的旅行的變焦鏡頭,類似於 28-60mm f/4.5-5.6 或 Nikon Nikkor 24-50。







#14 最新間諜照 & 考古 - A7c 機身概念是來自於一個 2013 年的專利!(2020/9/11 4:00PM)


沒有意外,第一張 A7c 間諜照廣為流傳。


TNC 也跟著刊登了,這張照片已經不稀奇。




不過,TNC 揭露了意外的亮點!


根據他們的文章資料庫,2013 年有一個索尼專利跟 A7c 有關!


標題稱為 "NEX 5 機身與全幅感測器" (NEX 5 body and a Full-frame sensor)。


當時是說: "未來 一兩年後"就會看到 一台小型的全幅無反相機,對象為入門級用戶,且會用負擔得起的實惠價格供應。



設計號 1482630、1482630
發布日期 2013.10.28
申報日期 2013.3.8

本文是一種可更換鏡頭的無反光鏡可換鏡頭相機,影像感測器是 35mm 全尺寸。該零件為 30mm * 40mm 矩形。通常從正面看時,拐角出現的時間很少。



現在比對一下,它不就是 A7c? 只是延後很久才出現。它還是定位在入門級沒錯,但價格並不實惠啊!




SAR 發了一則趣文,當 Sony A73 與 Fuji 生了個小孩,會長什麼樣子?


答案不用猜,便是 A7c!




接著 SAR 發表 A7c 最新間諜照!


這個角度看起來,A7c 還真的不錯!




銀 +  黑雙色版本。









發表前索尼 A7c 之 15 點預測規格總整理 (小幅更新)


(1)索尼將在 9/15 9AM 台北時間發布全新的 "索尼A7c" 入門級全畫幅小型相機。
(2)相似於索尼 A73 規格,具備 2400 萬像素感測器。
(3)它擁有與 A7sIII 相同的可動螢幕。
(4)自動對焦演算法來自 A7sIII。
(5)4K30P 錄影
(6)機身外形與 A6600 相似但稍大一些,EVF 被配置在邊緣。(非彈跳式 EVF)
(7)具備 IBIS
(8)這款相機將面向 vloggers 和youtubers 進行銷售。
(9)電池是 NP-FZ100。
(10)USB 是 Type-C。
(11)它有一個單一的 SD 卡插槽
(13)Wi-Fi (11a/b/g/n/ac)和藍牙。
(14)價格將高於 A7III(單機 2100 歐元,一機一鏡套餐 2399 歐元)。
(15)套餐鏡為小巧緊湊的旅行的變焦鏡頭,FE 28-60mm f/4-5.6。 





#15 A7c  A7c 規格追加爆料 & 間諜照更新 (2020/9/11 11:30PM)


Nokishita  率先釋出 A7c 追加規格。




各媒體紛紛跟進,例如 TNC、 Canon Rumors、 Sony Addict......。




SAR 也做了報導。




根據 Nokishita,他已經確認了幾天前已經洩漏的 SONY A7C規格,並在其中增加了一些小規格。下面就是更新的規格表了。




(1)2420 萬像素背照式 CMOS ( back-illuminated CMOS),ISO100-51200 (擴展:50-204800)

(2)機身內相機防手震校正,實現最大 5.0 級的修正效果。

(3)最高約10幀/秒,10 fps


(5)NP-FZ100電池 (與已知的謠言相同)

(6)尺寸 124 * 71.1 * 59.7mm,重量509g。

為了讓各位比較 A7c 的大小,拿佳能 EOS M6 Mark II 當樣本,它的尺寸是 120mm * 70mm * 49mm。所以只比 M6 Mark II 略大一點點!




4 張來自 Nokishita 的 A7c 照片,這些是比較乾淨的版本!










#16 外觀比一比 SONY A7c 與 Panasonic GX7 與 SONY A73,與 A6300 (2020/9/12 10:55AM)


網友覺得 A7c 不漂亮嗎?


最初的首張間諜照真的不行,我也曾閃過同樣的美學疑問,當時原本想下個小標題 -  "我怎麼看都稱不上美,該去看眼科了嗎? XD" 


這兩天最新一版 4 張準新聞稿 A7c 照片 (請往上回捲,便可看到),有顯示出 A7c 的優點。我感覺 A7c 線條簡單,輕巧俐落。


以下是 SAR 發表的外觀比一比!


第一套是 SONY A7c 與 Panasonic Lumix DMC-GX7


兩者外觀相似度高,GX7 相對較為緊湊簡化 (微 4/3 系統)。我覺得 A7c 的精緻度相當卓越,但造型有份量,暗示功能更多、更強大。




第 2 套是 SONY A7c 與 SONY A7III


A7c 少了軍艦部,整體印象緊湊多了。




A7c 與 A6300 比較,FF 機只比 APS-C 機大一點點,蠻厲害的!




SA Sony Addict 則提供 Sony A7c 與 Fujifilm X-E3 比較。


索尼新款 a7C 和富士 X-E3 的尺寸非常接近,差異如下:

Sony a7C,124 * 71.1 * 59.7 mm & 509g。

Fujifilm X-E3,121.3 * 73.9 * 42.7 mm & 337g







#17 尺寸比一比 SONY A7c vs. A73 & A6600 vs. A7c (2020/9/13 10:50PM)


SAR 報導 2 則最新尺寸比一比,原始來源 Cameraspecs.net。



SONY A7C (左/紅) 對比 SONY a7III (右/黑)。




SONY A6600 (左/紅) 對比 SONY A7c (右/黑)。


結論:  三機尺寸從小排到大,A6600 < A7c < A73







#18 最新間諜照更新 & Xperia 5II 發表! (2020/9/14 7:30PM)


SAR 剛剛釋出一批 A7c 間諜照!


A7c 將有與 A7s3 類似的被動散熱冷卻系統,且無 29 分錄影限制


A7c 長時間拍攝 4K 時將不會過熱,也不會有任何限制,不像 A7III 有 29 分鐘的錄影限制。(註: 實務上還是有,例:電力與記憶卡都得注意)




A7c 銀版的背面照。




A7c 銀版的正面照。










便於 vloggers 直播和旅行者。




除了 9/15 的 A7c 發表,另 9/17 手機部門也將發公開 Xperia 5 II 手機!


9/17 09:00 CEST YouTube 版本(可預約提醒)







#19 A7c 最後大爆料 - 規格 & 間諜照 (2020/9/15 7:51AM)


Nokishita 與 SAR 都發出 A7c 最後爆料。







(來源 Nokishita & SAR)


(SONY TW 中文版本規格在此)


Camera Type: Interchangeable Lens Digital Camera
Lens Mount: E-Mount
Image sensor Type: 35mm Full Frame (35.6 x 23.8mm), Exmor R CMOS Sensor
Number of pixels (effective): Approx. 24.2 megapixels
Number of pixels (total): Approx. 25.3 megapixels
Image sensor aspect ratio: 3:2
Color filter: R, G, B primary color
Anti-Dust function: Yes (Charge protection coating on optical filter and image sensor shift mechanism)
Still image recording format: JPEG (DCF Ver. 2.0, Exif Ver.2.32, MPF Baseline compliant), RAW (Sony ARW 2.3 format)

Image size (pixels) [3:2]
35mm full frame L: 6000 x 4000 (24M), M: 3936 x 2624 (10M), S: 3008 x 2000 (6.0M) APS-C L: 3936 x 2624 (10M), M: 3008 x 2000 (6.0M), S: 1968 x 1312 (2.6M)

Image size (pixels) [4:3]
35mm full frame L: 5328 x 4000 (21M), M: 3488 x 2624 (9.2M), S: 2656 x 2000 (5.3M) APS-C L: 3488 x 2624 (9.2M), M: 2656 x 2000 (5.3M), S: 1744 x 1312 (2.3M)

Image size (pixels) [16:9]
35mm full frame L: 6000 x 3376 (20M), M: 3936 x 2216 (8.7M), S: 3008 x 1688 (5.1M) APS-C L: 3936 x 2216 (8.7M), M: 3008 x 1688 (5.1M), S: 1968 x 1112 (2.2M)

Image size (pixels) [1:1]
35mm full frame L: 4000 x 4000 (16M), M: 2624 x 2624 (6.9M), S: 2000 x 2000 (4.0M) APS-C L: 2624 x 2624 (6.9M), M: 2000 x 2000 (4.0M), S: 1312 x 1312 (1.7M)

Image quality modes:
RAW (Compressed / Uncompressed) JPEG (Extra fine / Fine / Standard) RAW & JPEG

14bit RAW: Yes

Picture Effect:
8 types: Toy Camera (Normal / Cool / Warm / Green / Magenta), Pop Color, Posterization (SARColor, B/W), Retro Photo, Soft High-key, Partial Color (R/G/B/Y), High Contrast Monochrome, Rich-tone Monochrome

Creative Style
Standard, Vivid, Neutral, Clear, Deep, Light, Portrait, Landscape, Sunset, Night Scene, Autumn leaves, Black & White, Sepia, Style Box (1-6)

Picture Profile
Yes (Off / PP1-PP10) Parameters: Black level, Gamma (Movie, Still, Cine1-4, ITU709, ITU709 [800%], S-Log2, S-Log3, HLG, HLG1-3), Black Gamma, Knee, Color Mode, Saturation, Color Phase, Color Depth, Detail, Copy, Reset

Dynamic Range functions
Off, Dynamic Range Optimizer, Auto High Dynamic Range

Color space:
sRGB standard (with sYCC gamut) and Adobe RGB standard compatible with TRILUMINOS Color


Movie Recording format XAVC S

Video compression

Audio recording format XAVC S: LPCM 2ch

Picture Effect
7 types: Toy Camera (Normal / Cool / Warm / Green / Magenta), Pop Color, Posterization (Color, B/W), Retro Photo, Soft High-key, Partial Color (R/G/B/Y), High Contrast Monochrome

Creative Style
Standard, Vivid, Neutral, Clear, Deep, Light, Portrait, Landscape, Sunset, Night Scene, Autumn leaves, Black & White, Sepia, Style Box (1-6)

Picture Profile
Yes (Off / PP1-PP10) Parameters: Black level, Gamma (Movie, Still, Cine1-4, ITU709, ITU709 [800%], S-Log2, S-Log3, HLG, HLG1-3), Black Gamma, Knee, Color Mode, Saturation, Color Phase, Color Depth, Detail, Copy, Reset

Color space
xvYCC standard (x.v.Color when connected via HDMI cable) compatible with TRILUMINOS Color


Movie recording system XAVC S 4K

3840 x 2160 (4:2:0, 8bit, NTSC) (Approx.)

30p (100Mbps / 60Mbps)
24p (100Mbps / 60Mbps)

3840 x 2160 (4:2:0, 8bit, PAL) (Approx.)

25p (100Mbps / 60Mbps)

1920 x 1080 (4:2:0, 8bit, NTSC) (Approx).

120p (100Mbps / 60Mbps) 60p (50Mbps / 25Mbps) 30p (50Mbps / 16Mbps) 24p (50Mbps)

1920 x 1080 (4:2:0, 8bit, PAL) (Approx.) 100p (100Mbps / 60Mbps)
50p (50Mbps / 25Mbps)
25p (50Mbps / 16Mbps)

Slow & Quick Motion image frame rate
NTSC mode: 1fps, 2fps, 4fps, 8fps, 15fps, 30fps, 60fps, 120fps PAL mode: 1fps, 2fps, 3fps, 6fps, 12fps, 25fps, 50fps, 100fps

Audio Level Display Yes

Audio Rec Level Yes

PAL/NTSC Selector Yes

Proxy Recording
Yes (1280 x 720 (Approx. 9Mbps))


Auto Slow Shutter Yes

Gamma Disp. Assist Yes

Location info Link from smartphone Yes

SD memory card

SDHC memory card (UHS-I/II compliant)

SDXC memory card (UHS-I/II compliant) Memory card slot

Slot for SD (UHS-I/II compliant) memory card File system

FAT12, 16, 32, exFAT Noise reduction

Long exposure NR: On/Off, available at shutter speeds longer than 1 sec.

High ISO NR: Normal / Low / Off White balance Modes

Auto / Daylight / Shade / Cloudy / Incandescent / Fluorescent / Flash / Underwater / Color

Temperature (2500 to 9900K) & color filter / Custom Shutter AWB Lock

Yes (Shut. Halfway Down / Cont. Shooting / Off) Focus system Type

Fast Hybrid AF (phase-detection AF / contrast-detection AF)

Focus point
35mm full frame: 693 points (phase-detection AF)
APS-C mode with FF lens: 299 points (phase-detection AF)
with APS-C lens: 221 points (phase-detection AF) / 425 points (contrast-detection AF)

Sensitivity range
EV-4 to EV20 (ISO100 equivalent with F2.0 lens attached)

AF mode
AF-A (Automatic AF), AF-S (Single-shot AF), AF-C (Continuous AF), DMF (Direct Manual Focus), Manual Focus

Focus area
Wide / Zone / Center / Flexible Spot / Expanded Flexible Spot / Tracking

Eye-start AF
Yes (only with LA-EA2 or LA-EA4 attached (Sold separately))

Eye AF
[Still images] Human (Right/Left Eye Select) / Animal [Movie] Human (Right/Left Eye Select)

Other features Predictive control

Focus lock
AF Track Sens. (Still)
AF Subj. Shift Sensitivity (Movie) AF Transition Speed (Movie) Switch V/H AF Area
AF Area Regist.
Circ. of Focus Point

AF illuminator
Yes (with Built-in LED type)

AF illuminator range
Approx. 0.3m – approx. 3.0m (with FE 28-70mm F3.5-5.6 OSS lens attached)

AF micro adjustment
Yes, (Sold separately) with LA-EA2 or LA-EA4

Metering type
1200-zone evaluative metering

Metering sensor
Exmor R CMOS sensor

Metering sensitivity
EV-3 to EV20 (ISO100 equivalent with F2.0 lens attached)


Spot (Standard / Large)

Entire Screen Avg.

Highlight Exposure modes

AUTO (iAuto) Programmed AE (P) Aperture priority (A) Shutter-speed priority (S) Manual (M)

Movie (Programmed AE (P) / Aperture priority (A) / Shutter-speed priority (S) / Manual (M)) Slow & Quick Motion (Programmed AE (P) / Aperture priority (A) / Shutter-speed priority (s) / Manual (M))

Exposure compensation
+/- 5.0EV (1/3 EV, 1/2 EV steps selectable) (with exposure compensation dial: +/- 3EV (1/3 EV steps))

Bracket: Cont., Bracket: Single, 3/5/9 frames selectable. (Ambient light, Flash light)

AE Lock
Locked when shutter button is pressed halfway. (On/Off/Auto)

ISO sensitivity (Recommended Exp. Index)
Still images: ISO 100-51200 (ISO numbers up from ISO 50 to ISO 204800 can be set as expanded ISO range.)
AUTO (ISO 100-12800, selectable lower limit and upper limit)
Movies: ISO 100-51200 equivalent(ISO numbers up ISO 102400 can be set as expanded ISO range.), AUTO (ISO 100-12800, selectable lower limit and upper limit)

Anti-flicker Shoot Yes Viewfinder Type

1.0 cm (0.39 type) electronic viewfinder (XGA OLED) Number of dots

2,359,296 dots Control function

Brightness, Color temperature Field coverage

1 Magnification

Approx. 0.59x (with 50mm lens at infinity, -1m) Diopter adjustment

-4.0 to +3.0m Eye point

Approx. 20mm from the eyepiece lens, 17.5mm from the eyepiece frame at -1m(CIPA standard)

Display function
Histogram, Real-time image-adjustment display, Digital level gauge, Grid line, Focus check, Peaking MF, Zebra, Movie marker

Finder Frame Rate selection
NTSC mode: STD 60fps / HI 120fps, PAL mode: STD 50fps / HI 100fps

LCD screen Type
7.5cm (3.0-type) type TFT

Touch panel
Yes (Touch shutter / Touch focus / Touch pad / Touch tracking)

Number of dots (total) 921,600 dots

Brightness control
Manual (5 steps between -2 and +2), Sunny Weather mode

Display function
Histogram, Real-time image-adjustment display, Digital level gauge, Grid line, Focus check, Peaking MF, Zebra, Movie marker, For viewfinder, Monitor Off

Adjustable angle
Opening Angle: Approx. 176 Degree, Rotation Angle: Approx. 270 Degree

Focus Check
Yes, Focus Magnifier (35mm full frame: 5.9x / 11.7x, APS-C: 3.8x / 7.7x)

Face detection Modes
Face Priority in AF, Face Priority in Multi Metering, Regist. Faces Priority

Interval recording Yes


Bright Monitoring Yes

Copyright Info Yes

Set File Name Yes

Help guide Yes

Video Light Mode Yes
Zoom Ring Rotate Yes

Clear Image Zoom Still images Approx. 2x

Clear Image Zoom Movies
Approx. 1.5x (4K), Approx. 2x (HD)

Smart zoom (Still images)
35mm full frame: M: approx. 1.5x, S: approx. 2x / APS-C: M: approx. 1.3x, S: approx. 2x

Digital zoom (Still images)
35mm full frame: L: approx. 4x, M: approx. 6.1x, S: approx. 8x / APS-C: L: approx. 4x, M: approx. 5.2x, S: approx. 8x

Digital zoom (Movie)
35mm full frame: approx. 4x, APS-C: approx. 4x

Shutter Type
Electronically-controlled, vertical-traverse, focal-plane type

Shutter Type
Mechanical shutter / Electronic shutter

Shutter speed
Still images (Mechanical Shutter): 1/4000 to 30 sec., Bulb, Still images (Electronic Shutter): 1/8000 to 30 sec., Bulb, Movies (NTSC mode) : 1/4000 to 1/4 (1/3 steps), up to 1/60 in AUTO mode (up to 1/30 in Auto slow shutter mode), Movies (PAL mode) : 1/4000 to 1/4 (1/3 steps), up to 1/50 in AUTO mode (up to 1/25 in Auto slow shutter mode)

Flash sync. Speed 1/160 sec.

Silent Shooting
Yes (ON/OFF)

Image stabilization Type
Image Sensor-Shift mechanism with 5-axis compensation (Compensation depends on lens specifications)

Compensation effect (Still images)
5 stops (based on CIPA standard. Pitch/yaw shake only. With Planar T* FE 50mm F1.4 ZA lens mounted. Long exposure NR off.)

Image stabilization Mode On / Off

Flash Control Pre-flash TTL

Flash compensation
+/- 3.0 EV (switchable between 1/3 and 1/2 EV steps)

Flash modes Flash off

Slow Sync.
Rear Sync.
Red-eye reduction (on/off selectable Wireless

Hi-speed sync.

External flash
Sony alpha System Flash compatible with Multi Interface Shoe, attach the shoe adaptor for flash compatible with Auto-lock accessory shoe

FE level lock Yes

Wireless control
Yes (Light signal: Available with Fill-flash, Slow Sync., Hi-speed sync. / Radio signal: Available with Fill-flash, Rear Sync., Slow Sync., Hi-speed sync.)

Drive modes
Single Shooting

Continuous shooting (Hi+/Hi/Mid/Lo selectable) Self-timer
Self-time (Cont.)
Bracket: Single

Bracket: Cont.
White Balance bracket DRO bracket

10 sec. delay / 5 sec. delay / 2 sec. delay / Continuous self-time / Bracketing self-timer

Speed (approx., max.)
Continuous shooting: Hi+: 10 fps, Hi: 8 fps, Mid: 6 fps, Lo: 3 fps

No. of frame recordable (approx.)
JPEG Extra fine L: over 215 frames
JPEG Fine L: over 223 frames
JPEG Standard L: over 216 frames
RAW: over 115 frames
RAW & JPG: over 86 frames
RAW (Uncompressed): over 45 frames
RAW (Uncompressed) & JPG: over 39 frames

Playback Modes
Single (with or without shooting information Y RGB histogram & highlight / shadow warning) Index view
Enlarged display mode (L: 18.8x, M: 12.3x, S: 9.4x)
Auto Review
Image orientation
Folder selection (Date / Still / XAVC S HD / XAVC S 4K)
Display as Group

Photo Capture Yes

PC interface
Mass-storage / MTP

USB Type-C Terminal
Yes (SuperSpeed USB 5Gbps (USB 3.2) compatible)

Yes (NFC forum Type 3 Tag compatible)

Wireless LAN (built-in)
Yes (Wi-Fi Compatible, IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac (2.4GHz band/5GHz band))

Yes (Bluetooth Standard Ver. 4.1 (2.4GHz band))

HDMI connector
HDMI micro connector (Type-D)
3840 x 2160 (30p / 25p / 24p) / 1920 x 1080 (60p / 50p / 24p) / 1920 x 1080 (60i / 50i), YCbCr 4:2:2 8bit / RGB 8bit

Multi Interface Shoe
Yes (with Digital Audio Interface)

Mic Terminal
Yes (3.5 mm Stereo minijack)

Headphone Terminal
Yes (3.5 mm Stereo minijack)

Remote Control (Wireless)
Yes (Bluetooth remote control)

FTP Transfer Func. (Wi-Fi)

View on Smartphone
Remote control via Smartphone NFC One-touch remote
NFC One-touch sharing
PC Remote
BRAVIA Sync (Control for HDMI) PhotoTV HD

Built-in, stereo

Built-in, monaural

Compatible standards
Exif Print, Print Image Matching III, DPOF setting

Custom key settings Yes

My Menu Yes

My Dial Settings Yes

Reg Cust Shoot Set Yes

Programmable Setting
Yes (Body 3 sets /memory card 4 sets)

Lens compensation
Peripheral Shading, Chromatic Aberration, Distortion

One rechargeable battery pack NP-FZ100

Still images
Approx. 680 shots (Viewfinder) / approx. 740 shots (LCD monitor) (CIPA standard)

Movies (actual recording)
Approx. 140 min. (Viewfinder) / Approx. 140 min. (LCD monitor) (CIPA standard)

Movies (continuous recording)
Approx. 220 min. (Viewfinder) / Approx. 215 min. (LCD monitor) (CIPA standard)

Internal battery charge Yes

USB power supply Yes

With Viewfinder
Still images: approx. 2.9W (with FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 lens attached) Movies: approx. 4.5W (with FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 lens attached)

With LCD screen
Still images: approx. 2.7W (with FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 lens attached) Movies: approx. 4.6W (with FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 lens attached)

Operating temperature 0 – 40 Degree C

With battery and memory Card included Approx. 509g

Body only
Approx. 424g

Dimensions (W x H x D)
Approx. 124.0 x 71.1 x 59.7mm
From Grip to Monitor: Approx. 124.0 x 71.1 x 53.5mm


最新一批新聞素材照片- A7c 機身。








最新一批新聞素材照片 - 閃光燈「HVL-F28RM」。









最新一批新聞素材照片 - 餅乾鏡燈「FE 28-60mm F4-5.6(SEL2860)」。







SAR 爆料, 真實影像。




SAR 讀者發現了新的索尼 A7c 生活版照片。






之前爆料,索尼未來所有機型都會有新的 SONY A7sIII 選單系統。


這些圖片似乎也證實了這台相機只做 4k30p。




新的可折疊 28-60mm 鏡頭 。











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A7c + FE 28-60mm f/4-5.6 Kit 美金 $2098 (黑或銀同價)




A7c 新聞稿內容

Sony A7C Press Release

Sony Electronics Introduces Alpha 7C Camera and Zoom Lens, the World’s Smallest and Lightest[i] Full-frame Camera System

New HVL-F28RM Compact Flash is also Announced

SAN DIEGO, CA – September 14, 2020 – Today, Sony Electronics Inc. announced several additions to an already impressive imaging lineup — the Alpha 7C full-frame camera (model ILCE-7C), the FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 (model SEL2860) zoom lens and HVL-F28RM flash.

The Alpha 7C is the world’s smallest and lightest[ii] full-frame body with uncompromising performance, featuring advanced AF (autofocus), high-resolution 4K video[iii] capabilities and more. When paired with the world’s smallest and lightest[iv] FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 standard zoom lens, this versatile combination delivers an experience unlike any other, maximizing portability and versatility without sacrificing any of the power of full-frame imaging. The HVL-F28RM flash allows users to broaden their photo expressions with outstanding compactness, and an intelligent light intensity control linked to camera face detection[v].

“We are committed to creating the best tools possible, based on the needs of our customers,” said Neal Manowitz, deputy president of Imaging Products and Solutions Americas, Sony Electronics. “The new Alpha 7C camera and FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 zoom lens pack many of our most advanced imaging technologies in a brand new design that is the smallest and lightest full-frame camera and lens system in the world. This opens up a new world of possibilities for creators, giving them the uncompromised power of a full-frame system in the palm of their hand.”

New Alpha 7C: Uncompromised Full-frame Performance in a Compact Design
The new Alpha 7C combines Sony’s full-frame image quality, advanced AF capabilities and versatile video shooting functions in a stunningly light and compact design. The new camera features a 24.2MP (approx. effective) 35mm full-frame back-illuminated Exmor R™ CMOS sensor and BIONZ X™ image processing engine, offering high sensitivity, outstanding resolution, 15-stop[vi] wide dynamic range and high-speed image data processing.

Measuring only 4.9 inches x 2.8 inches x 2.2 inches (124.0mm x 71.1mm x 59.7mm) and weighing just 18oz (509g)[vii], the Alpha 7C is similar in size and weight to an APS-C camera[viii], with only 1 percent more weight than the Alpha 6600. The Alpha 7C achieves the world’s smallest and lightest compact body[ii] through upgraded 5-axis in-body stabilization and shutter units, and the utilization of magnesium alloy monocoque construction, often used in the bodies of cars and aircraft. Even in this compact body, the Alpha 7C features a 5-step[ix] stabilization effect that allows for shooting snaps without a tripod. Moreover, despite the compact body, the high-capacity NP-FZ100 battery provides enough power for long shooting durations and to capture up to an industry-leading[x] 740 images[xi] when using the LCD monitor, or 680 images[xi] when using the viewfinder.

Outstanding Full-frame Image Quality

Sony’s new Alpha 7C combines high resolution with low noise for excellent image quality at all sensitivities, offering the user stunning image quality for shooting everyday photography and movies such as nature, portraits, sports, street photography and more. Standard ISO extends up to 51,200 and is expandable from ISO 50-204,800[xii] for low-light environment captures with low noise. The Alpha 7C also supports 16-bit processing and 14-bit RAW output[xiii] for natural gradations.

Advanced Autofocus

Using AI-driven functions, the Alpha 7C’s Real-time Tracking[xiv] maintains accurate focus automatically while the shutter button is half-pressed. In addition, “Tracking On + AF-On” is now assignable to a custom key and can be activated at once while the AF-ON button is pressed. Moreover, the intended subject can be specified just by touching it on the monitor when “Touch Tracking” has been turned ON via the menu and is available for both stills and movies. The Alpha 7C’s AF functions also feature Real-time Eye AF for both humans and animals to achieve fast and accurate focus[xvi]. When using Real-time Tracking while “Face/Eye Priority in AF” is ON with a human subject, the subject’s eye and face is detected and locked on in real-time with extremely high tracking precision.
The Alpha 7C provides wide, fast, reliable AF that locks onto the intended subject instantly without losing focus, thanks to its 693-point focal-plane phase-detection AF system covering approximately 93 percent of the image area, with an additional 425 contrast-detection points to ensure reliable focus, even in busy environments.

The Alpha 7C also features continuous shooting at up to 10 fps[xvii] with AF/AE (autoexposure) by using a newly developed shutter unit and refined image processing system. It is also possible to shoot continuously at up to 8 fps[xvii] in live view mode, with minimal viewfinder/monitor display lag for easy, stable framing, even with intense subject motion. The Alpha 7C allows up to approximately 223 JPEG (Fine L) images, 115 compressed RAW images, or 45 uncompressed RAW images to be captured in one continuous burst[xviii], and achieves highly accurate and reliable AF precision in light down to EV-4[xix]. These features make it easier to capture fast moving subjects in challenging environments.

Expanded Video Capabilities

Full-frame full-pixel readout without the need for pixel binning makes it possible to capture more than twice[xx] the amount of data required for 4K video (QFHD: 3840 x 2160)[iii], which is then oversampled to produce high quality 4K footage with exceptional detail and depth. In addition, the Alpha 7C supports HDR (HLG[xxi]) and S-Log/S-Gamut profiles, Slow & Quick motion, high-speed full HD recording at 120 fps[iii] and other advanced video features for additional creative freedom.

Furthermore, the Alpha 7C features Real-time Eye AF (human) for video shooting. The eye is automatically tracked with high precision and reliability so that the operator can concentrate on the content rather than focus operation. Users can also customize AF Transition Speed in seven settings, and AF Subject Shift Sensitivity in five settings, in their preferences. Touch Tracking functionality is also available for movie shooting.

The Alpha 7C features a side-opening vari-angle LCD monitor, making it easy to record selfies, overhead shots, low ground-level shots or whatever the user requires. The MOVIE button has been positioned on the top of the camera making it easier to operate while recording in selfie mode. The new Alpha 7C not only records high-quality video, but also high-quality audio. A digital audio interface has been added to the camera’s Multi Interface (MI) Shoe, allowing the ECM-B1M Shotgun Microphone or XLR-K3M XLR Adaptor Kit can be connected to input digital audio signals directly to the MI shoe for cleaner, clearer audio recordings. Like other MI shoe accessories, no cables or batteries are required, providing unrestrained freedom for Alpha system moviemaking. Headphone and microphone jacks are also provided to accurately monitor recorded sound, and metadata attached to movie footage shot vertically on the camera allows the footage after transfer to the smartphone or similar device, to also be replayed and edited in the vertical position.

Designed for Reliable Operation

The Alpha 7C is designed with the user in mind. The touch panel LCD monitor is a large touch-sensitive 3.0 type with approximately 921 thousand dots, providing optimal visibility even in bright outdoor conditions, and supporting touch focus, tracking and shutter operations. The Alpha 7C also features a high-quality view mode for finer, more natural detail in addition to a 2.35 megadot (approx.) XGA OLED Tru-Finder™ EVF. The Alpha 7C offers functions that simplify operation during and after shooting, such as Fn button customizations and more. It is also dust and moisture resistant[xxii] to support shooting needs in challenging environments.

To simplify workflow needs, Wi-Fi compatible wireless-communication functions allows images and movies to be directly transferred[xxiii] to a smartphone or tablet for convenient sharing, viewing or saving. In addition to the conventional 2.4GHz band, support for the 11ac standard allows transfer via 5GHz band (IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac)[xxiv] so that users can select that stable and high-speed transfer with low interference. A USB Type-C® connector that supports SuperSpeed USB 5Gbps (USB 3.2) is also provided, allowing fast transfer of images during PC remote shooting and power supply from external mobile batteries.

New FE 28-60mm F4-5.6: The World’s Smallest and Lightest[iv] Full-frame Zoom Lens with High Image Quality

The new FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 offers the world’s smallest and lightest[iv] form factor in a standard zoom lens, delivering high optical performance that achieves the high-resolution depiction of full-frame everywhere in the image. Optimal arrangement of the three aspherical lens elements effectively suppresses aberrations throughout the zoom range and realizes high resolution from corner to corner. A minimum focus distance of 0.99 foot (0.3m) (wide-angle) to 1.48 feet (0.45m) (telephoto) delivers close-up capability, making it perfect for everyday use or vlogging with a gimbal or grip.

At 5.9oz (167g) and 2.6 inches dia. x 1.8 inches length (66.6 mm dia. x 45 mm length), along with its mechanical and optimal optical design that features a retracting structure, the FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 achieves unrivaled compactness and lightness, allowing users to easily carry it all the time. From everyday shooting to scenery, portraits and travel, it’s the ideal lens for any type of on-the-go shooting in a wide variety of environments. When combined with the Alpha 7C, the combination achieves uncompromising full-frame performance with the world’s smallest and lightest full-frame camera and lens system[i]. Even with its compact size and light weight, the FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 is dust and moisture resistant[xxii] and accepts a variety of 40.5mm filters.

The FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 delivers high-speed, high-accuracy AF allowing for Real-time Tracking and Real-time Eye AF, using a linear motor. In addition to Sony’s advanced AF capabilities, the FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 features an internal focus design which leaves the lens length unchanged with focus motion and close-up shots, enabling users to easily capture a wide variety of content from regular movie shooting to comfortable vlogging.

New HVL-F28RM: Compact Flash with Light Intensity Control Linked to Camera Face Detection[v]

The HVL-F28RM is a compact flash designed to match Sony’s mirrorless cameras for a compact, manageable system, and offers the type of reliable, stable performance that only a genuine Sony product can provide. When compared to the HVL-F32M, the HVL-F28RM features a 12 percent reduction in volume and 7 percent reduction in weight. This compact, easy-to-use flash unit delivers the capabilities and dependability to meet the needs of both professional and advanced amateur content creators.

The HVL-F28RM offers consistent GN28[xxv] light output, optimized light distribution and continuous flash performance that won’t interrupt the user’s workflow, as well as stable radio wireless communication and multi flash radio control. The new flash also features Sony’s newly introduced flash control linked to camera face detection[v] advanced technology. When used with a compatible camera, the balance between the light falling on the subject’s face and ambient light is evaluated to automatically adjust accurate white balance so that the subject’s face is rendered with natural, lifelike color. In addition, flash compensation, light ratio, and other detailed flash parameters can be controlled directly from a compatible camera[xxvi]. A camera custom key can be assigned to call up the flash parameter display so that adjustments can be made while looking through the viewfinder and gripping the camera. Flash parameters are shown in the selected camera display language.

A newly developed “Metal Shoe Foot with Rugged Side Frame”[xxvii] that also houses the unit’s electrical contacts offers improved resistance to physical shock and impact from all directions. The Multi Interface foot is fabricated from metal for higher strength. The HVL-F28RM also features a dust and moisture resistant[xxii] design. When the HVL-F28RM is mounted and locked onto the Alpha 7C, Alpha 7S III, Alpha 7R IV and Alpha 9 II, durability to dust and moisture is improved, even when used in challenging outdoor environments.

The HVL-F28RM also features simple, intuitive operation with minimal controls including +/- light level buttons, pairing button, test button and lock lever. Plenty of light is available for bounce applications. The flash angle can also be set as required via 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 120 degree click stops for easy positioning. The new flash also features a built-in wireless radio trigger for reliable flash triggering when mounted on a compatible camera[xxvi] and paired with an off-camera unit. When used as a transmitter, the HVL-F28RM can control up to 15 flash and/or receiver units in 5 groups[xxviii] at distances of up to 114 feet (35 meters)[xxix] for extraordinary lighting control and versatility. The HVL-F28RM is powered by two AA (LR6) alkaline or NiMH batteries. A fresh pair of alkaline batteries can provide power for up to 110 continuous flashes (1/1 manual flash with alkaline batteries)[xxix].

Pricing and Availability

The new Alpha 7C compact full-frame camera will be available in late October and will be sold for approximately $1,799.99 USD and $2,399.99 CAD. It will be sold at a variety of Sony’s authorized dealers throughout North America.

The FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 zoom lens will be available in early 2021 and will be sold for approximately $499.99 USD and $649.99 CAD. It will be sold at a variety of Sony’s authorized dealers throughout North America.

A new kit featuring the Alpha 7C compact full-frame camera and FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 zoom lens will also be available in late October and will be sold for approximately $2,099.99 USD and $2,699.99 CAD. It will be sold at a variety of Sony’s authorized dealers throughout North America.

The HVL-F28RM flash will be available this winter and will be sold for approximately $249.99 USD and $329.99 CAD. It will be sold at a variety of Sony’s authorized dealers throughout North America.

Exclusive stories and exciting new content shot with the new camera, lens and Sony’s other imaging products can be found at www.alphauniverse.com, a site created to educate and inspire all fans and customers of Sony α – Alpha.

[i] An Alpha 7C with an FE 28-60mm F4-5.6 lens mounted. Among full-frame interchangeable-lens digital cameras, in combination with an interchangeable zoom lens. As of Sept. 2020. Sony survey.
[ii] Among full-frame interchangeable-lens digital cameras with optical in-body image stabilization mechanism, as of Sept. 2020. Sony survey.
[iii] A Class 10 or higher SDHC/SDXC card is required for XAVC S format movie recording. UHS speed class 3 or higher is required for 100 Mbps recording.
[iv] Among interchangeable zoom lenses for 35mm full-frame format digital camera bodies, as of Sept. 2020. Sony survey.
[v] This function is only compatible with Alpha 7C as of Sept. 2020
[vi] When shooting still images. Sony test conditions.
[vii] With battery and memory card included
[viii] Compared to the size of Alpha 6600, 120.0mm x 66.9mm x 59.0mm and a weight of 503g (With battery and memory card included).
[ix] CIPA standards. Pitch/yaw shake only. Planar T* FE 50mm F1.4 ZA lens. Long exposure NR off.
[x] Among full-frame mirrorless interchangeable-lens digital cameras with autofocus function, as of Sept. 2020. Sony survey.[xi] CIPA standards.
[xii] ISO expandable to 50 – 204,800 for stills, 100 – 102,400 for movies.
[xiii] Limited to 12-bit when compressed RAW is used for continuous shooting, BULB shooting, or when long-exposure noise reduction is [ON].
[xiv] “Tracking” in the menu.
[xv] Available on still images only.
[xvi] Accurate focus may not be achieved with certain subjects in certain situations.
[xvii] Up to 10 fps in continuous “Hi+” mode, and up to 8 fps in continuous “Hi” mode. UHS-II compatible SDXC memory card required. Sony test conditions. Maximum fps will depend on camera settings.
[xviii] Continuous “Hi+” mode. UHS-II compatible SDXC memory card required. Sony test conditions.
[xix] ISO 100 equivalent, F2.0 lens.
[xx] 24p recording. Approx. 1.6x at 30p.
[xxi] HDR (HLG) images can be viewed by connecting the camera directly to a Sony TV that supports HDR (HLG) playback.
[xxii] Not guaranteed to be 100% dust and water resistant.
[xxiii] Smartphone or tablet must have Imaging Edge Mobile installed. Please use version 7.2 or later.
[xxiv] Models sold in some countries/regions support IEEE 802.11b/g/n (2.4 GHz) wireless LAN only. 5GHz communication may be restricted in some countries and regions.
[xxv] 50 mm, at ISO 100 in meters
[xxvi] Visit Sony support webpage for functional compatibility information.
[xxvii] Design registration application pending.
[xxviii] In group flash mode. 3 groups (A-C) in TTL or manual flash mode.
[xxix] Sony internal test conditions.








#21 A7c 的麻煩: 創意好但賣太貴了


SAR 貼了一篇 SONY A7C 的發表後評論: 「索尼 A7C 的問題是:想法是好的,但規格/價格卻不是!



索尼社群給予 SONY A7c 非常明確與誠實的反應。


幾乎每個人都喜歡輕薄小巧,把全幅機功能塞進如 A6xxx 大小的機身是個好想法。


A7c 的規格和價格讓人不滿意。如果這款相機的定價為 1399 美元或更低,現行功能項目將是 OK 可被接受的。


況且,1399 美元對大眾來說,會是個具吸引力的入門全幅機甜蜜點。


但索尼索價 1799 美元!




(2)新的 SONY 選單系統。


(4)與 A7rIV 同樣的 EVF (5. 6百萬點)。

(5)更好的 LCD 螢幕。


SAR 提出的解決方案:



索尼現在只有一個選擇,在假期給它降價 400 - 500 美元。


當成對未來的提示: 「兩年後他們發布 A7cII 的時候,索尼不要重蹈覆轍!」



SONY A7c 擁有小巧漂亮的外觀,但性價比低是事實。如果不是急著換機,或許可以再觀望一下。





(來源: Canon, CR Canon Rumors,TNC The New Camera,CW Canon Watch,Nokishita & Digicame-info & PetaPixel,Nikkei Asian ........網路訊息


(資料來源: The New Camera、dpr、SA - SONYaddict,SAR - SONYalpharumors,SR - SONY Rumors,YMCM Y.M.CINEMA MAGAZINE) 




重要訊息 原廠支援! 全國最低價!

鑫部落讀者 專屬優惠 ! (請點擊直達懶人包)



謝謝閱讀,Thank you! 敬請持續關注 鑫部落。心經營! (http://newguest88.pixnet.net/blog)

如果您喜歡這篇文章,歡迎到鑫部落粉絲團幫我們按讚(直接點擊此處 or 下面連結 or 頁面左側欄上方),感恩!

合作信箱: mandy.sun@msa.hinet.net 



Title:SONY A7c入門FF無反新機 SONY A7c 正式發表! 機身NTD$50980黑或銀同價 完整規格 FE 28-60mm f/4-5.6 閃光燈HVL-F28RM 台灣時間2020/9/15 9AM New concept is coming 迎接Sony Alpha全新概念(前稱SONY A5 索尼A6謠傳規格) SONY A5開發秘辛 謠指部訊息Mirrorless MILC無反單眼 微單眼 無反單眼 全片幅無反光鏡數位單眼相機[相機情報]

SONY A7c入門FF無反新機 SONY A7c 正式發表! 機身NTD$50980黑或銀同價 完整規格 台灣時間2020/9/15 9AM New concept is coming 迎接Sony Alpha全新概念(前稱SONY A5 索尼A6謠傳規格) SONY A5開發秘辛 謠指部訊息Mirrorless MILC無反單眼 微單眼 無反單眼 全片幅無反光鏡數位單眼相機[相機情報]

SONY A7c 入門FF無反新機 SONY A7c 發表! 完整規格 & 新聞素材照! SONY A7c 與 Panasonic GX7 A73 A6300  A7c 機身單機價 & 餅乾鏡套餐價Euro歐元定價爆料 台灣時間2020/9/15 9AM New concept is coming 迎接Sony Alpha全新概念(前稱SONY A5 索尼A6謠傳規格) SONY A5開發秘辛 謠指部訊息Mirrorless MILC無反單眼 微單眼 無反單眼 全片幅無反光鏡數位單眼相機[相機情報]

SONY A7c 入門FF無反新機 SONY A7c 發表! 尺寸外觀比一比 SONY A7c 與 Panasonic GX7 A73 A6300 間諜照更新 A7c 機身單機價 & 餅乾鏡套餐價Euro歐元定價爆料 台灣時間2020/9/15 9AM New concept is coming 迎接 Sony Alpha 全新概念(前稱SONY A5 索尼A6謠傳規格) SONY A5的開發秘辛 謠指部訊息Mirrorless MILC無反單眼 微單眼 無反單眼 全片幅無反光鏡數位單眼相機[相機情報]

SONY A7c 入門FF無反新機 SONY A7c 發表! 外觀比一比 SONY A7c 與 Panasonic GX7 A73 A6300 間諜照更新 A7c 機身單機價 & 餅乾鏡套餐價Euro歐元定價爆料 台灣時間2020/9/15 9AM New concept is coming 迎接 Sony Alpha 全新概念(前稱SONY A5 索尼A6謠傳規格) SONY A5的開發秘辛 謠指部訊息Mirrorless MILC無反單眼 微單眼 無反單眼 全片幅無反光鏡數位單眼相機[相機情報]

SONY A7c 入門FF無反新機 SONY A7c 發表!  A7c 規格追加爆料 & 間諜照更新 A7c 機身單機價 & 餅乾鏡套餐價Euro歐元定價爆料 台灣時間2020/9/15 9AM New concept is coming 迎接 Sony Alpha 全新概念(前稱SONY A5 索尼A6謠傳規格) SONY A5的開發秘辛  謠指部訊息Mirrorless MILC無反單眼 微單眼 無反單眼 全片幅無反光鏡數位單眼相機[相機情報]

SONY A7c 入門FF無反新機 SONY A7c 發表! A7c 機身單機價 & 餅乾機套餐價Euro歐元定價爆料 台灣時間2020/9/15 9AM New concept is coming 迎接 Sony Alpha 全新概念(前稱SONY A5 索尼A6謠傳規格) SONY A5的開發秘辛  謠指部訊息Mirrorless MILC無反單眼 微單眼 無反單眼 全片幅無反光鏡數位單眼相機[相機情報]

SONY A7c 入門FF無反新機 A7c最美的E接環相機! 顏色 4K30P錄影 新旅行餅乾鏡 (前稱SONY A5 索尼A6謠傳規格) SONY A5的開發秘辛  謠指部訊息Mirrorless MILC無反單眼 微單眼 無反單眼 全片幅無反光鏡數位單眼相機[相機情報]

SONY A7c 入門FF無反新機 SONY 現在的發展重點是視頻 & 智慧手機 + Alpha 的整合(前稱SONY A5 索尼A6謠傳規格) SONY A5的開發秘辛  謠指部訊息Mirrorless MILC無反單眼 微單眼 無反單眼 全片幅無反光鏡數位單眼相機[相機情報]

SONY A5 索尼A5 或SONY A6入門FF無反新機 SONY A5的開發秘辛  謠指部訊息Mirrorless MILC無反單眼 微單眼 無反單眼 全片幅無反光鏡數位單眼相機[相機情報]

SONY A5 索尼A5入門FF無反新機 謠指部訊息Mirrorless MILC無反單眼 微單眼 無反單眼 全片幅無反光鏡數位單眼相機[相機情報] 


2020/7/31 SDF 53/254

2020/8/5 1665

2020/8/13 3972

2020/8/15 4506

2020/8/27 5706

2020/8/2715:00 6881

2020/8/30 7406

2020/9/5 8610

2020/9/8 10116

2020/9/9 10504 

2020/9/10 11013

2020/9/11 11472

2020/9/11 11:30PM 11782

2020/9/12 11:00AM 11975

2020/9/13 11:00PM 12897

2020/9/14 19:00 13341

2020/9/15 7:51AM 13662

2020/9/29  16663






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